Growers Benefit with Oxygenated Water Instead of Reverse Osmosis

In 2004 Scott Wagner was prepared to spend nearly $250,000 for a reverse osmosissystem to treat his problem well water at his annual flower growing operation in Ham Lake, MN. He was not prepared, however, to absorb the $30,000 annual operating cost in membranes, salt and increased electricity expenses and was acutely aware of theenvironmental issues.

"The ionization and oxygenation in our irrigation system has proven a cost effective solution to our 3 part iron and 2 full part manganese well water," Scott Wagner. Wagners employees routinely brag to visitors that they take 5 gallon jugs home for drinking and bathing.

Wagner also noted the carbonate calcium alone was over 20 grains (350ppm) and his flow rates reached as high as 60 GPM. He is now changing the media and anodes on his six filter tanks at a cost after four years of around $4,000. No water (or well pump electricity) is wasted with this planet friendly configuration.

The Wagner system features six Pentair 2850 1-1/2" water valves that communicate with the electronic control boxes and have performed without issue for nearly five years.


It should be noted that the Minnesota growing season runs from May through September and that Pentair recommends valve rebuilds every three years for growers operating in more temperate climates.

On the other side of the Minneapolis, MN market, Apple Valley, is the growing operation of Pahls Nursery which has treated all of its growing water with oxygenation and ionization since early 2000. Pahl nurseries have purchased two irrigation systems as the growing operation has expanded.

Gary Pahl, President, also points out his second "hex" (six tank 60 GPM) ionization and oxygenation system has six seasons of firm irrigation operation without a maintenance event or filter/valve update.

"We knew when we purchased our second ionization and oxygenation irrigation system for our expanded operation in 2003 this was both the fiscally and environmentally responsible approach to premium water," Pahl emphasized.


Seed germination studies have confirmed quicker and higher rates with oxygenated and ionized water. Soil moisture levels remain high with the oxygenation and ionization levels measurable in the water.

The retail landscape community has recently added "oxygenation" product lines to go with the huge trend towards ecological methods. Wagners eco-friendly

approach discharges no brine or chloride to the groundwater, wastes no energy "double pumping" reverse osmosis water and most importantly saves 35-50% of the wasted water and the ionization and oxygenation is a zero brine, zero chloride dischargetechnology.

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ועדת הבריאות עדכנה את אגרות הפיקוח הווטרינרי
משבר האקלים משנה עמוקות את הים – וכתוצאה מכך, גם את שוק הדגים הישראלי
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כנס האגודה למדע עופות 2019
תערוכת Fresh AgroMashov 2019
ביהמ"ש גזר על בעלי חזיריות מהגליל קנס של חצי מיליון שקל בעקבות זיהום לאורך ...
ועדת הבריאות עדכנה את אגרות הפיקוח הווטרינרי
משבר האקלים משנה עמוקות את הים – וכתוצאה מכך, גם את שוק הדגים הישראלי
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כנס האגודה למדע עופות 2019
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